EBN- There are many warnings about kissing children on the cheek or mouth, especially newborns , as children are more susceptible to infection due to their weak immune system, so it is better to avoid kissing them on the face, according to the HindustanTimes website.
A recent study by Primrose Freestone of the University of Leicester suggests that we should avoid kissing our babies.
A baby’s immune system takes time to develop, making them more susceptible to infection than anyone else. During the first three months after birth, a baby’s immune system is weak, and a mild infection in others can have serious, even life-threatening, consequences.
Newborns are more susceptible to bacterial infections than older children and adults, the study added. Intracellular pathogens are bacteria that can enter and live inside a host’s cells — children are more susceptible to such infections.
These infections can lead to sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infections. Even strains of E. coli that are harmless in older children and adults can cause sepsis and pneumonia in children, with serious consequences.
Maintain good hygiene
When you see a baby, make sure to wash your hands well before touching him. Instead of kissing his face, you can kiss his feet or the back of his head.
What Parents Have to Say
Parents of children may think it is rude to ask a visitor not to kiss the child. However, they should put the child’s health first and ask to avoid kissing the child on the face.
When infected
If you have an active infection, it is best to avoid visiting your baby at all, especially if the baby is less than a month old. If you have a baby around, wear a mask or keep a safe distance from them.