Kyiv, Europe Brief News – The Ukrainian government has provided guns and weapons to at least 18,000 kyiv residents to shield their city against fierce Russian invasion. The authorities are asking citizens to come out of their houses and resist the invading troops.
Both the ministry of defence and interior ministry are asking Kyiv residents to inform the authorities about the troop’s movement and to make Molotov cocktails to neutralise the enemy.
Ministry of interior shared a video that provide a step by step instruction on how to create a petrol bombs so the residents can use them for their resistance against Russian troops.
Vadym Denysenko said “18,000 machine guns have been handed out in Kyiv to all volunteers; all those who want to defend our capital with a weapon in their arms”.
He further added “Ukrainian military equipment is entering Kyiv now to defend it. I am asking all residents of Kyiv-please do not film it, do not film its movements. This is absolutely necessary to protect our city”.
Kyiv Prepares As Russian Troops Pressing
Ukraine’s capital city is ready to enter into a battle to protect their country from the Russian invading military. The Ukrainian President is begging western powers to restrict Russia by Imposing harsh sanctions and helping the Ukraine army with weapons.
Explosions, air-raid sirens and the sound of gunfire filled the air over kyiv. Russian troops bore down on the city and tried to take control of the Kyiv to get a more dominant position.
Russian President Vladmir Putin revealed that the main aim for the invasion was to overthrow President Volodymyr Zelensky’s pro-European government.
Putin has shown his interest to accept Ukraine’s president’s offer to hold talks to negotiate even as his forces continue their advance across the country.
But after few hours, Putin suggested Ukranian army to overthow Zelensky’s government which he described as a gang of drug addicts and neo Nazis.
In response to that Zelensky refused to leave his position and instead requested the West to go hard against Moscow to prevent further damage.
He even has announced that anyone who is willing to fight for the city can collect the guns and start the mission. He urged anyone with military experience to come to Ukraine and help defend its independence.
Zelensky said in a video “ We are defending our independence, our country”.