Brussels, Europe Brief News – Weed has been used for medicinal purposes for ages. Smoking, eating, or drinking tea are all options. Smoking weed produces euphoric effects due to the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When you smoke weed, you widen the capillaries in your eyes, resulting in bloodshot, red eyes. Weed may cause your eyes to get red for various reasons, and we’ll go through Why does weed makes your eyes red?
List of reasons Why Does Weed Makes your Eyes Red
1. Capillary dilation in the Eyes
Capillary dilatation is caused by smoking weed which creates bloodshot eyes. Tobacco contains THC, which binds to cannabinoid receptors. Cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) are located in many organs, including the eye. When THC stimulates these receptors, it produces a modest increase in blood pressure and heart rate, causing the capillaries in your eyes to dilate.
2. Less Tear Production
Weed also reduces the tear-producing hormone prolactin. Prolactin causes tears and saliva. Weed smoke may induce dryness and irritation in the eyes.
3. Blood Sugar Fluctuations
Weed may induce blood sugar changes. Because THC interacts with insulin receptors. When insulin receptors are engaged, glucagon generation is suppressed. Glucagon regulates blood sugar by increasing glucose synthesis and releasing it into circulation. Inhibiting glucagon may induce blood sugar fluctuations, resulting in symptoms including bloodshot eyes.
Read More: 5 Benefits of Not Smoking Weed
4. Dilated Pupils
If smoked in intense light, weed may cause bloodshot eyes. THC in weed binds to receptors on nerve endings that govern pupil size, causing dilatation. In bright situations like sunshine or near windows, this dilates the pupil, causing bloodshot eyes.
5. Slowing of Blinking
Smoking weed may reduce the blinking rate. Because weed decreases acetylcholine generation. Acetylcholine helps your brain deliver instructions to your muscles that govern blinking. This may lead to dry eyes and perhaps bloodshot eyes after smoking weed
6. Inflammation of the eyes
You may have had slight eye discomfort after smoking a joint. The smoke from the rolling paper and weed might irritate the eyes.
7. Allergies
If you are allergic to weed, smoking it may cause bloodshot or inflamed eyes. Because weed plant includes pollen, which may induce allergic reactions. Plants discharge pollen, a fine powder, into the air to nourish neighboring plants. Allergies to pollen may induce redness and irritation of the eyes, resulting in bloodshot eyes after smoking weed
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We hope that the above-mentioned reasons of why does weed make your eyes red, help you quit smoking it as soon as possible.