Paris, Europe Brief News – The French authorities made it crystal clear that Canada style covid protest will be strictly forbidden within the territory of French capital.
The Pairs authorities announced on Thursday that they will not allow Canada style Freedom Convoy to happen within the city parameters over the weekend. The ban will run from 11 to 14.
Hundreds of Motorcyclists are heading towards Paris from the southern city of Nice forcing government authorities to give an end to Covid’19 restrictions.
The Paris police have raised concerns that it may paralyse the city. They also hinted towards the scenes of Canada’s capital Ottwa which suffered a two week traffic jam because of the freedom convoy.
Police have already issued a notification to give warning to the protest participants. They may get to serve two year prison sentences with a three year driving ban and 4,500 euro fine.
Despite all these restrictions, the demonstrators have declined to step back. They will continue their planned route to Paris before getting to brussels.
The motorcyclists are receiving support from the yellow vest anti-government movement which has been a prominent name in bringing disarray in Paris in recent times.
As the news broke out, Belgian authorities have also announced a ban on freedom convoys before motorcyclists reach the city of Brussels.
Paris governments take on the situation
Paris Government Spokesman Gabriel Attal said “ He recognized the public weariness with infection control measures, but insisted that france has been among European countries with the fewest restrictions that infringe on citizens freedom”
Presidential candidate Marine Le pen said “She understood the protesters goals as it is another form of the yellow vests demonstrations against President Emmanuel Macron that rocked France in 2018”.
The people who are involved in the freedom convoy come from different backgrounds. Most of them have concerns which are beyond health restrictions which cover the economy and increasing inflation rate.
As per reports, they have created social media groups, with the largest group containing 300,000 people but how many will get to Paris is unknown.
A new law was issued in January asking all Individuals to get vaccinated before making an appearance in the bars and restaurants. They are not even allowed to get in the inter-regional transport.
Meanwhile the French authorities are planning to ease the restrictions regarding vaccine pass by the month of April.