London, Europe Brief News – The NHS said “Thousand more lives could be saved only if people knew how to trace the early signs of a heart attack”.
Doctors are requesting people to be proactive in spotting common initial symptoms including sweating and tightness of chest and if they experience any of those things , must contact 999 immediately to get medical help.
The NHS conducted a survey using a pool and they found that most of the people are unaware to dial 999 in case of any cardiac emergency.
As per the reports, the hospitals in Uk are receiving more than 80 thousands patients suffering from heart attack each year. The numbers are increasing with time.
The study showed that the overall survival rate for the people suffering from heart attack disease is 7 in 10, which can be minimised to 9 out of 10 if patient receives on time hospital treatment.
The NHS has started a fresh campaign to create awareness among people that if they experience any initial symptom including uneasiness and tightening of chest, they must contact 999 for immediate help.
The pool suggested that out of 2000 people only 41% are aware of the sweating to be the symptom while only 27 % knew that uneasiness was also a common symptom.
Prof Stephen, NHS England’s medical director said “Sadly, cardiovascular disease causes a quarter of all deaths across the country and we have identified this as the single biggest area where we can save lives over the next decade”
He further added that it is rather simple to tackle the early symptoms as they don’t always feel severe. But it is wiser to call 999 immediately as the chances of full recovery increases if the patient gets medical assistance quickly.
Symptoms of Heart attack can include:
- Chest pain is the most common symptom as the patient begins to feel heaviness and tightness across the chest
- One of the initial symptoms could be when a patient experiences that the pain is moving from one part of the body to another resulting in uncomfortability
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
- Feeling Abruptness while breathing
- Coughing and wheezing
The chest pain is usually very severe but there is a possibility that few people only experience minor pain in the form of poor digestion.