Stockholm, Europe Brief News – Sweden’s health Authorities have asked people aged 80 or above to get their second booster shot of covid vaccine to avoid any kind of fear of being infected with the omicron variant.
The Authorities also mentioned that it is necessary for all the people living in the nursing homes to get aided living services at home. The time span for the second booster shot from the first one must be at least 4 months for effective results.
Sweden recorded the highest number of infected people this year as the omicron variant spread quickly all around the country.
For the most part of the pandemic, Sweden stood out among European Nations for its comparatively hand off response. Sweden didn’t appreciate the idea of going into total lockdown and they kept businesses open for the most period of time .
Sweden was keen on asking people to do their duty and follow set protocols to avoid the spread of virus. That could also be one of the reasons why Sweden recorded more deaths compared to other Nordic countries.
Creating awareness on booster shots
The Authorities are trying to educate people about the importance of booster shots to release pressure from the Health department which will eventually help normalise the situations across the country.
They believe that the infection is still threatening enough and a rising number of cases among groups at higher risk of serious disease. It’s been already witnessed with nursing home residents as most of them came out tested positive for omicron.
Anders Tegnell, Epidemiologist said “ A booster dose strengthens protection, therefore we believe people 80 years old or older will benefit from a second booster dose”.
The agency also said “ As with the first round of booster shots, the jabs should consist of Pfizer or moderna vaccines.
At the start of this month , the authorities in Denmark said “ they were considering winding down the country’s coronavirus vaccination program in the spring and saw no reason to administer a booster dose to children or a fourth shot to any more residents at risk of severe Covid’19”.
In January the Danish government said they have offered a fourth vaccination dose for the older people just because they were worried that the omicron variant may create chaos.