PARIS, Europe Brief News – France is all set to announce the Withdrawal of troops who, combined with their allies, were fighting against Islamic Militants in Mali for nine long years.
Once the withdrawal process gets completed, there are high chances that transitional Government of Mali will take a chance to negotiate directly with Jihadist groups.
In 2013, French Military intervened in the Mali to throw away Jihadists who were making efforts to take control of Northern Mali. Since then French troops have been working on various Anti-terrorist operations in the county.
The Malian Government is not appreciating the French Military operations in the country which is only deteriorating their relationship with Mali’s new Military Leader who took charge in 2020.
The Tussle of opinion has been going on between France and Bamako Authorities on whether Mali should enter into negotiations with Jihadists group or abandon the idea of any form of negotiations.
However, Authorities of Bamako has shown their interest to set up an open discussion with Jihadists while Paris see negotiation as a point of no return for Mali’s Government.
Emmanuel Macron, French President said “We cannot carry out joint operations with powers that decide to negotiate with groups that, at the same time, shoot at our children. No dialogues and no compromises”.
Macron’s expected announcement that France will be closing its nine year mission in Mali will coincide with a European Union- African Union summit in Brussels on coming Thursday.
Negotiations After French Military Leaves:
Ibrahim Boubacar, Mali’s Former President said that the concept of initating an open channel for dialogue with jihadists is been known for long time. Taking with Jihadists and fighting terriorism are apperantly not two different things.
He further added in his interview “ I have a duty and a mission today to create all possible spaces and to do everything possible so thay, by one means or another , some kind of Appeasement can be achieved”.
Mali’s National Conference of underanding that took place in 2017 indicate that the negitoation talk can be held with jihadist’s leader Amadou Koufa and Iyad Ag Ghali. Both are leading Katiba Macina and Al-Qaeda Affiliated Groups respectively.
The Malian military believe that arms alone are not enough to control the Jihadist violence. A local media has announced that the High Islamic council is supporting the negotiation that is expected to be held in October.