California, Europe Brief News – Google has made a huge announcement as it will be launching Privacy Sandbox to the Android mobile operating system to enhance the overall privacy of its users.
Google mentioned that it’s just the start of a “multi-year initiative” to launch a new system. The new system will completely change the way advertisers reach users through different mobile apps.
According to some Technology Experts, Google is trying to set up new advertising solutions using the Android privacy sandbox that control data sharing with third parties.
Chrome Firm to Add Privacy Sandbox to Android:
Chrome Web browser was also working on the same plan to improve the privacy of users. And after the google announcement, the firm chrome has also announced to launch an updated version of its browser to secure users personal information from advertisers.
Apple Company has already launched similar tools that block the ability to trace their users outside of their own apps. The company was concerned about the tracking habits of most Advertisers.
Google said “It was taking a less blunt approach to ad privacy than other platforms and wants to develop effective and privacy-enhancing Advertising solutions, where users know their information is protected, and developers and businesses have the tools to succeed on mobile”.
Those companies like Facebook which generate most of their revenue by allowing digital advertising on their platform are not very pleased with the new rules and regulations.
On the other hand, Google makes over 80% of its money from advertising planning to use a new approach.
Anthony Chavez, VP, Product manager said “ We aim to support existing advertisements platform capabilities for at least two years while we create, build and test these new solutions”.
He further added that we are working on a technology that decreases the chances of furtive collection of user’s data and enables advertisers to use safer ways to integrate with advertising.
Google has announced they are ready to collaborate with different app developers to work on the improvement of its Android privacy sandbox.
As per reports, the company has already sent an invitation to some top developers to review the preliminary design of its Privacy Sandbox.
Chavez said “ Over the course of the year, we expect to offer developers previews, with beta release at the end of the year”.