Copenhagen, Europe Brief News – Danish Double Standards have made the country quiet on the issue of Human Rights activist Abdulhadi Al-khawaja for the last nine years.
Almost ten years ago, one of the most popular human rights activists Abdulhadi Al-khawaja was violently abused by security forces after dragging him from his place in Bahrain.
He was the first Civilian who was presented in the Military Court, which sentenced him a life in prison on the basis of false accusations including his participation with terrorist group to overthrow the government.
The World understood that these charges were levelled against Abdulhadi as punishment for his peaceful role In the pro democratic protest took place in 2011, which resulted in demanding political reform in the country.
Abdulhadi is an internationally known Bahrani-Danish human right activist who is also a founder and former president of the Bahrain Centre For Human Rights.
Exiled from his native country back in 1981, Abdulhadi moved to Denmark and started a new life with his wife and four daughters.
He joined the Danish centre for human rights and trained there to serve his life to achieve social and democratic reforms in Bahrain.
Abdul hadi is among other 13 bahraini political activists who were charged with hugely lengthy prison sentences for practising their basic and moral rights to freedom of speech, association and peaceful assembly.
His trial was not fair by any means and had contradictions with the universal standards of fair trial. Even his sentencing violates the International Covenant code of conduct on Civil and political rights.
Abulhadi has faced Physical, Sexual and psyclogical torture at Jau prison. After one torture session, surgery was required to implement 18 plates and 40 screws to get his face right but he refused to get any medical treatement.
And now the news is out with added concern to his health that the Covid’19 virus has been spreading in the prison from one prisoner to another which was initiated from prison staff.
Danish Double Standards:
Denmark, a country that is widely known for its devoted commitment toward human rights as an important part of its foreign policy, has been quiet on this issue for the last nine years.
The United nations have asked for the release of Abdul hadi after acessing his medical reports and detailed account of Mr Al-Khawaja torture, but authorties at Danish government does not seem to be willing to take any action on it.