London, Europe Brief News – UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has unveiled plans to end self-isolation rules and the provision of free coronavirus tests in England.
Johnson outlined England ‘s roadmap to ending all legal restrictions and start “living with Covid.”
The other three nations of the United Kingdom, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, have the devolved authority to implement their own rules.
While the PM hailed the end of restrictions, he and other UK officials made clear that the pandemic is not over.
“Covid will not suddenly disappear,” Johnson said, so the government will continue to monitor for new, more dangerous variants and keep certain infrastructure in place to identify any mutations of the virus.
“Today is not the day we can declare victory over Covid, because this virus is not going away. But it is the day when all the efforts of the last two years finally enabled us to protect ourselves while restoring our liberties in full,” Johnson said later on Monday, adding that the day marked a “moment of pride for our nation and a source of hope for all that we can achieve in the years to come.”
The announcement came a day after it was announced that Queen Elizabeth II has tested positive for Covid-19.
Johnson opened his earlier statement by wishing the Queen a speedy recovery from Covid-19. He said it was “a reminder that this virus has not gone away,” but said it was time to “move from government restrictions to personal responsibility.”