Berlin, Europe Brief News – German authorities are planning to prosecute people who are using the Z symbol to show support to Russia. During the past few months, the Z symbol is commonly seen on Russian military vehicles. It is displayed on the pro-Russia social media accounts. If this isn’t enough this symbol is plastered all over private cars and trucks. Some people are wearing shirts and hoodies with this symbol to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
You will be surprised to find out all sorts of Russian state propaganda. It is very much common at the recent rally that Vladimir Putin planned to attend. Thousands of spectators are cheering at the football stadium in Moscow.
The interior Ministry of Germany that the security services are aware of this symbol. It is being used at rallies in Germany. According to the spokesperson Marek Wede, letter Z is considered a supporting sign for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The attack on Ukraine by Russia is a sign of threat and crime. Whoever supports this war and crime publically is criminally liable.
Trying To Explain Russia’s New Z Symbol
Two MPs from Lithuania have recently asked to ban pro-Russian displays. They don’t want anyone to use the Z symbol which is a sign of war and supporting crimes. Along with the symbol a black and orange ribbon is seen. If anyone does use this sign must pay a fine of €500, especially when they break the law.
What does the Z symbol mean? It is written in the Latin alphabet instead of Cyrillic. However, experts aren’t sure of the exact meaning. Some people may use this symbol but aren’t sure of its true meaning of it. Even if they understand what it stands for they will still be less clear about it all. A professor at Dublin University has revealed that many people believe that sign Z refers to victory for many people.
One of the strangest parts is that the letter Z doesn’t even exist in the Russian alphabet. The Defense Minister of Russia is confused over the things and has posted something on its official Instagram.
He states the following on his social media. According to him Z stands for “Za Pobedu” (“for victory”), “Za Mir” (“for peace”), “Za pravdu” (“for truth”), and “Za Rossiou” (“for Russia”). However, some authorities still believe that the Z symbol endorses Russian aggression over Ukraine.