London, Europe Brief News – The Omicron variant of coronavirus is still spreading rapidly. But how can you tell if you have Covid, or a cold?
This NHS updated its Covid information page, adding nine new official symptoms of the virus.
While people were previously urged to take a test if they had a temperature, a new continuous cough and a loss or change to the sense of smell or taste, new symptoms are very similar to other illnesses, such as colds or flus.
There are now a total of 12 symptoms, including headaches, a sore throat and a blocked or runny nose. The NHS has also added shortness of breath, feeling more tired than usual, body aches, loss of appetite, diarrhoea and feeling sick or being sick.
The change is in line with findings by experts behind the Zoe Covid Study, who have long warned that those with a sore throat, runny nose and a headache – all symptoms of the common cold – likely have the Omicron variant.
Professor Tim Spector, a lead author of the study, previously criticised the government for not adding more symptoms to its official list ahead of its free testing programme ending on 1 April.
“The government’s refusal to recognise the wide array of symptoms and to drop isolation advice and testing is likely driving the incredible number of cases we see today,” Spector said.
What symptoms should I act on?
The NHS says people should still look out for the classic Covid symptoms:
– a new, continuous cough
– a fever/high temperature
– loss of or change to smell or taste
However, having Covid can feel “more like a bad cold”, with some people reporting headaches, sore throats and runny noses.