London, Europe Brief News- Human damage to the planet’s land is accelerating, with up to 40% now classed as degraded, UN has warned.
UN data has shown that half of the world’s people are suffering the impacts.
The world’s ability to feed a growing population is being put at risk by the rising damage, most of which is caused by food production.
Women in the developing world are particularly badly affected, as they often lack legal titles to land and can be thrown off it if conditions are tough.
Degraded land – which has been depleted of natural resources, soil fertility, water, biodiversity, trees or native vegetation – is found all over our planet. Many people think of degraded land as arid desert, rainforests maimed by loggers or areas covered in urban sprawl, but it also includes apparently “green” areas that are intensely farmed or stripped of natural vegetation.
Growing food on degraded land becomes progressively harder as soils rapidly reach exhaustion and water resources are depleted.
Degradation also contributes to the loss of plant and animal species and can exacerbate the climate crisis by reducing the Earth’s ability to absorb and store carbon.
Most of the damage by people has come from food production, but consumption of other goods such as clothes also makes a big contribution. Much of the degradation is most visible in developing countries, but the root cause of overconsumption happens in the rich world, for instance in the increasing consumption of meat, which takes far more resources than growing vegetables, and fast fashion, which is worn briefly then thrown away.
Without urgent action, degradation will spread further. By 2050, an area the size of South America will be added to the toll if current rates of harm continue, according to the Global Land Outlook 2 report.