London, Europe Brief News –In today’s society, teeth are cherished possessions; therefore, it’s no surprise that individuals go to tremendous measures in an effort to improve their teeth since they are one of our most noticeable features.
In the event that one of your teeth has become loose, what should you do if this is the case? Understandably, if you’re going through anything similar right now, you’d want to know why and what you can do to fix it. Here are some of the most frequent reasons why do my teeth feel loose!
Let’s Find Out Why Do My Teeth Feel Loose!
1. Gum Disease
The most prevalent reason for loose teeth is gum disease. Because a buildup of bacteria and tartar in this area erodes the tissue and bone over time, you can do two things to fix a loose tooth if that’s the case. When a tooth is loose, a thorough clean is good, but splinting is the best option when the gums are weak since it stabilizes the injured tooth while the gums rebuild and mend around it.
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2. Mouth Injuries
Teeth might become loose due to any injury to the mouth or lower face. You may want to play with your tooth if it’s movable because of this injury. Try not to do this, as it will simply lead it to get looser. If you’re able to let it heal on its own, the gums that support the tooth will reposition it.
3. Grinding
If you grind your teeth on a daily basis, you might loosen your teeth and destroy the enamel surrounding them. The majority of people who grind their teeth when they sleep are doing it while they are awake. You should wear a mouthguard at night in order to protect your teeth from additional damage and enable them to recover and repair. if this is the case.
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4. Osteoporosis
Over the age of fifty, women are more likely to develop osteoporosis. As a result of the disease’s impact on bone density, both teeth and gums become more fragile. For example, this may lead to a loss of bone in the gums and eventually receding gum lines and tooth loss. Increasing your calcium intake via diet or supplementation is excellent for avoiding jaw problems.
5. Medications
Prescription drugs generally have positive benefits, but they may also have negative ones. Both prescription steroids and acid reflux drugs have been known to create calcium shortages, which may weaken the jaw. Talk to your doctor and dentist if you feel that medicine harms your teeth.
6. Pregnancy
The last reason why do my teeth feel loose is pregnancy. The increase of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body during pregnancy may have an adverse effect on her gums, causing her teeth to loosen and become more pliable. The good news is that it’s usually only a short-term problem. Your gums should return to their pre-pregnancy form after your hormones have calmed down following your child’s birth.