London, Europe Brief News –Have you ever seen or wondered why do cats gag at combs? Combs produce a high-frequency sound that we humans cannot hear, which causes cats to choke. This is why we can’t hear it. On the other hand, it can be pretty annoying for your cat, which may cause it to gag reflexively. In human words, it’s the equivalent of nails dragging across a chalkboard!
Why Do Cats Gag at Combs? – Reasons
When a cat has anything in its throat that bothers them, it may gag to get rid of it. This might be anything, from an object in its natural environment to particular noises. It is important to remember that certain medical disorders may also cause severe gagging. Therefore, if you are worried, it is highly recommended to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
As a result of their role as predators, cats have evolved a strong hearing sensitivity, enabling them to pick up on the ultrasonic noises that rodents make to communicate with one another. Because of this, they can hear frequencies that we, as humans, cannot recognize. Please permit me to give you some background information on this.
1. Cat Hearing is Insane!
The human ear can pick up frequencies ranging from 30 to 19,000 hertz. On the other hand, the frequency range that a cat may hear is between 55-77,000 hertz. Compared to other mammalian species, cats have one of the broadest frequency ranges known, giving them an advantage when hunting. However, in a home atmosphere where there is a lot of background noise, such as the high-pitched whine of computer printers and the sound of aluminum foil crinkling, this great aptitude may suddenly become a handicap! When we turn the hob on, all that can be heard is clicking. However, cats may also hear a particularly annoying shriek, which might cause their gag reflex to kick in.
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FARS is a newly identified epilepsy in cats. High-pitched sounds or loud noises trigger it in senior cats. Getting older causes hearing loss, and lower-pitched sounds are lost first. High-pitched noises scare cats more.
Which Cats Respond More to Combs?
All cats respond to combs, although the degree varies. Some cats are aggressive. How often your cat hears these noises, their health, and their age might determine how they respond. Older cats over ten years old are more prone to have assertive responses to high-pitched noises than a basic gag reflex.
2015 saw a remarkable scientific discovery. High-pitched noises, particularly combs, may elicit Feline Audiogenic Reflex Seizures (FARS) in elderly cats. Tom and Jerry’s syndrome is named after the cartoon cat’s extreme startle reflex.
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According to the research, Feline Audiogenic Reflex Seizures are more common in older cats. Birman or Birman mix-breeds also seemed predisposed. Half of the cats examined had hearing loss and couldn’t hear low-frequency noises. Uncertain why, but high-pitched noises may scare a cat with poor hearing.
Why Do Cats Gag at Combs? This is because hearing-sensitive cats choke on combs. Cats may respond to noises that humans can’t hear. Some noises cats hear may anger them and kill them.