Brussels, Europe Brief News –There are many mysteries in nature, for example, insects and mammals. Many of their actions perplex us when their origin and development are simply speculations. Some consume feces, and others devour mates. Worse, some devour their newborns. Rabbits consume their young.
This is a rare event. Before anybody challenges rabbits’ parental and moral impulses, let’s explain why do rabbits eat their babies. Lets Start!
5 Reasons Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Babies
Rabbits are herbivores, which means they do not consume meat. They do, however, consume their offspring on occasion. Here are a few explanations for this perplexing behavior.
1. Protein Deficiency
In some instances, a shortage of nutritional protein causes infant cannibalism in rabbits. They are often exhausted after giving birth.
Pregnant rabbits must be fed a high-protein diet to avoid malnutrition in the last weeks of pregnancy.
2. If The Kit Is Stillborn
Rabbits can tell whether their litter is stillborn and if so, they will not hesitate to consume them. They dislike leaving traces behind. As a result, despite being herbivores, they consume their stillborn brood.
3. Poor Litter
Rabbits are firm believers in the notion of survival of the fittest. If rabbits discover that their litter is weak and lacks nourishment and strength, they will most likely murder and devour the young themselves.
This is the most common case in which rabbits prey on some kits while sparing others. They most likely ate the weaker kits while leaving the stronger ones alone.
Rabbits developed in this manner to spend all of their attention on healthy kits, who may survive long enough to carry her gene to a new generation of offspring.
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4. Predation to Flee
Rabbits are at the very bottom of the food chain. They are accessible prey for more giant predators in the wild. As a result, when given the option of fighting or fleeing, they prefer to escape. And before they do so, they obliterate all signs to keep predators at bay.
So, if anything is amiss, eating their offspring is most likely an evolutionary tendency of rabbits.
5. Anxiety And Confusion
Humans are not the only creature that experiences stress and anxiety. Rabbits are no exception. If her surroundings are loud and confused, they may believe a predator is pursuing her.
As a result of their dread and worry, they consume their offspring to ensure that the predator does not pick up a smell. Also, if the rabbit is new to motherhood, she may be overwhelmed by the birth of a child. She may feel terrified and perplexed by the newborns. So, unlike other animals, whose mother instincts kick in rapidly, it may take a rabbit some time to reconnect with reality.
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In this article, we explained why do rabbits eat their babies. The causes are many, and you must ensure that your rabbit is completely fear-free during her pregnancy to minimize the risk of miscarriage.