Brussels, Europe Brief News –Cats hate water. Veterinarians explained the phobia. Why do cats dread water, but their larger relatives, like the tiger, bobcat, and leopard, don’t mind? Veterinarians and researchers aren’t sure, but the possibilities are interesting. Similar? These additional cat behavior theories include nervousness and hissing. Let’s review some reasons why are cats afraid of water.
5 Reasons Why Are Cats Afraid of Water
1. They Prefer Sunbathing Over Swimming
Our cuddly cats are descended from the Felis silvestris lybica, a Middle Eastern wildcat. Since there was little water, they preferred to sunbathe with dry paws and fur.
Modern domesticated cats like stretching out in sunny locations when they sleep. This is what cat nappers dream about.
Read More: Why Do Animals Drink More Water In The Winter?
2. Cats Fear Unknown Stuff
Cats aren’t accustomed to bodies of water bigger than a water dish. Tub or pool? Scary.
Jennifer Kasten, DVM, a veterinarian from Tomlyn Veterinary Science, adds, “Like anything novel, the first response may be fear.” This panic response might be worsened if owners use a squirt gun or spray bottle to keep cats off furniture or the counter.
Do cats require baths if they’re terrified of water? 30-50% of your cat’s day is spent licking and fluffing its coat. It may not need to be bathed. Some cats, particularly those with arthritis or disease, may require assistance washing hard-to-reach areas.
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3. They Don’t Require Much Water.
Has your cat ever snubbed its water dish? Even though a cat’s sense of smell is 14 times higher than a human’s, an odor in drinking or bathing water is unlikely to put them off, says Zac Pilossoph, DVM, of Healthy Paws Pet Insurance.
Their forebears were disinterested. Cats acquired most of their water from food in nature. Dr. Pilossoph claims they only sought open water when dehydrated. Some say domestic cats drink water because their diet is dried and doesn’t provide enough water.
There is no ideal diet for cats. However, canned wet food may be preferable.
4. Cats Dislike Water
Cats detest water—why? Their nature. They originated in arid areas with few rivers and lakes.
Not all cats escape as the tub fills with water. Cats swimming? Some cats like playing in the water.
Some water-loving cat species are also dog-friendly. Abyssinian, Turkish Van, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Bengal, and American Shorthair are water-loving cats. These cat breeds have hair resistant to water, so they don’t get wet and may enjoy it.
5. Not used to Water
The last reason why are cats afraid of water is that they are not used to being in the water. However, you can train an elderly cat to feel comfortable with water, but not a dog. Although it may take longer, older cats may be conditioned to appreciate or accept water.
Training an elderly cat requires patience. If your cat’s health limits grooming, you’ll need to wash it, so teach it to like water.