London, Europe Brief News – European health agencies have recommended a second booster for vulnerable people and those over 60.
People over the age of 80, healthcare workers and staff at long-term care facilities who fulfil vulnerability or age criteria are already eligible for a second booster dose but the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) called in a joint statement on Monday for the measure to be extended to vulnerable people and people over the age of 60.
“People over the age of 60 years and medically vulnerable populations remain at the greatest risk of severe disease. Mathematical modelling suggests clear benefits of an early second booster roll-out for protecting people over the age of 60 years,” the two agencies said.
“Countries should consider a rapid deployment of second booster doses with currently available vaccines. These could be administered at least four months after the previous one, with a focus on people who received a previous booster more than 6 months ago,” they added.
They underlined that at the moment, “there is no clear epidemiological evidence to support administrating a second booster dose in immunocompetent individuals below 60 years of age unless they have medical vulnerabilities.”