Madrid, Europe Brief News – A new heatwave hit large parts of Spain and Portugal this week.
The heatwave is the second of its kind to hit the Iberian Peninsula in less than a month.
The mercury was to hit 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 Fahrenheit) in Spain’s southeastern region of Extremadura and 41 degrees in Andalusia.
Temperatures in Spain’s normally cooler northwestern region of Galicia were predicted to rise above 35C.
In neighbouring Portugal the thermometer topped 44C over the weekend, fuelling wildfires and vast smoke clouds which were visible in the capital Lisbon.
Heat waves have become more likely due to climate change, scientists say. As global temperatures rise over time, heat waves are expected to become more frequent and intense.
June also saw Spain grapple with temperatures above 40C in swathes of the country.
And the previous month was Spain’s hottest May since the beginning of the century.
In August 2021 Spain recorded its highest ever temperature when the mercury reached 47.4C in the southern town of Montoro.