London, Europe Brief News – As temperatures keep rising around the world, we take a look at the risks of heatwaves and the main recommendations to keep safe.
What are the risks?
Heat exhaustion, which can include dizziness, headaches, shaking and thirst, can affect anyone and is usually not dangerous if the person cools down within 30 minutes.
Heatstroke, when the body’s core temperature goes above 40.6 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit), is a medical emergency and can lead to long-term organ damage and death.
Who is at risk?
Some people are more vulnerable, including babies and elderly people, as well as people who have to stay active or are more exposed, such as homeless people or construction workers among others.
People with health conditions, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes, are also at high risk of complications caused by excess heat.
Globally, less than half a million deaths a year are estimated to be due to excess heat, according to a study last year in The Lancet medical journal, although data is lacking from many low-income countries. Far more people die of cold, but that is forecast to change, the researchers said.
What are the signs of heat exhaustion?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heat exhaustion occurs when the body responds to an excessive loss of water and salt, and it tends to affect the elderly, people with high pressure and those working in hot environments.
As per England’s National Health Service (NHS), the signs of heat exhaustion are:
dizziness and confusion
loss of appetite and feeling sick
excessive sweating and pale skin
fast breathing or pulse
a high temperature of 38C (100F) and above