London, Europe Brief News – The UK is going to face for a big, early wave of flu during the upcoming winter.
Many Southern Hemisphere nations have had their most rampant flu season for years.
It is largely because people mixed more once Covid restrictions had eased. But it had little immunity to the influenza virus after a break from the disease.
Health experts are urging anyone who is eligible for a flu shot to get one.
After two years with almost zero flu circulating there is concern that vaccine fatigue may have set in. Meanwhile, Covid cases are starting to rise again in the UK too.
UK Health Security Agency chief medical adviser Dr Susan Hopkins said Covid cases “looked like they were turning in all four nations in the UK”.
“We do believe we are starting to see our autumn wave of Covid,” she said.
NHS director for vaccinations and screening Steve Russell said. “This winter is the first time we see the effects of the so called ‘twindemic’ with both Covid and flu in full circulation. So it is vital that those most susceptible to serious illness from these viruses come forward for vaccines in order to protect themselves and those around them.”
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) says this year’s flu jab is a good match for the type of seasonal influenza that is circulating – a strain called H3N2.