London, Europe Brief News – The UK Health Ministry has opened online bookings for COVID jabs trialled for the first time for over-50s.
Appointments will be available to book online or by phone.
The service is also testing whether flu jabs can be booked in a similar way. People at 200 sites across the country offered the chance to book this way.
People can still book flu vaccinations through their GP practice or by visiting a pharmacy delivering the jabs.
Around 33 million people in England will be eligible for a flu vaccine this year, including some children who will be given the flu nasal spray.
Since the COVID booster programme began a month ago, seven million people have come forward for their vaccine.
Some 26 million people are eligible for the COVID booster while people should get the jab amid a warning of a potential “twindemic” of flu and COVID.
ver the past week, the UK has witnessed a rising in the Covid infections reaching more than one million.
There has been a 14% rise in people testing positive in the week to 20 September.
The new figures are the biggest increase since the summer.
But there is no clear evidence of an autumn Covid wave starting, says the Office for National Statistics (ONS).