London, Europe Brief News- The primary symptoms associated with COVID have changed and can vary based on your vaccination status, according to a new list released last week.
COVID-19 patients have reported dozens of different symptoms, ranging from cold and flu-like symptoms to more unique ones, including “COVID tongue.”
The ZOE Health Study — a joint effort by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, King’s College London, Stanford University School of Medicine and the health app ZOE — shared an updated list of the top COVID symptoms.
Researchers have found that for participants in all three groups — fully vaccinated, those who received just one dose, and unvaccinated — four of the five most commonly reported symptoms are the same: sore throat, runny nose, persistent cough, and headache.
Their prevalences across the groups, however, vary, as does the fifth symptom.
For those who are vaccinated, a blocked nose is the third-most frequently reported symptom. Among the partially vaccinated, it’s sneezing, and the unvaccinated, fever.
Among fully vaccinated participants, symptoms frequently reported earlier on in the pandemic were less prevalent, like the loss of smell, fever, and shortness of breath. Loss of smell and shortness of breath are less common by unvaccinated patients who test positive for COVID.
Vaccinated people have also been reporting sneezing more often than those who haven’t received a dose. Sneezing and a runny nose, according to ZOE, are not a symptom of COVID infection.
Other symptoms frequently reported seem to have become less prevalent as well, like chills or shivers; COVID toes or fingers; and stomach aches.