Ottawa, Europe Brief News- The immigration Levels plan is a blueprint for Canada to aim and welcome immigrants for the next three years.
Earlier this month, the federal government announced its new Immigration Levels Plan 2023-2025.
The aggressive plan aims to take in 500,000 immigrants a year by 2025, with almost 1.5 million new immigrants coming to the country over the next three years.
For many years, Canada has tried to attract permanent residents – landed immigrants who have the right to stay in the country indefinitely but who are not citizens – to keep the population and the economy growing.
Last year, the country took in 405,000 permanent residents – the most in its entire history.
The reasons are in, some ways, about simple math. Like many western nations, Canada has an aging population with a lower birth rate. What that means is that if the country wants to grow, instead of shrink, it will have to bring in immigrants.