London, Europe Brief News – From surprise events, to nature disasters and Covid, this year will stick in the memory. Here are some of the world’s most memorable events in 2022.
War in Europe
The events set in motion on Feb. 24, when Russian forces began their assault on Ukraine, continue to reverberate today. In these photographs from 10 months of war, we highlight trauma on the battlefield, in civilian areas, the experience of refugees and the two leaders — Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy — who have spent most of 2022 locked in a brutal conflict that seems, as the year ends, to have no end in sight.
Fury in the streets
There were large-scale ventings of anger and frustration in many parts of the world in 2022. The China and Russia examples are noted above. But protesters also raged in Peru and in Lebanon and Afghanistan and beyond. In Sri Lanka, demonstrators helped topple a government. In Iran, the regime faced major questions about how best to deal with widespread anger that has persisted for months.
The ravages of climate change
2022 also saw fresh pledges to compensate the planet’s primary victims of climate change. But it also fresh fears that nations’ plans to curtail emissions weren’t meeting their goals. The photos here offer a portrait of the damage — just a glimpse of some of the crises that were made worse by climate change itself.
It’s a depressing category — which in this curation encompasses hunger, war zones, dangerous migration — and the long odyssey of one of the world’s greatest athletes.