London, Europe Brief News – Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse is often difficult to spot. It can can slowly creep up on a person, the signs can be subtle, but make no mistake – the results can be just as devestating as physical abuse.
So here are a few warning signs to look out for, in case you or a loved one is ever in trouble.
1. You feel powerless
If your partner’s behaviour makes you feel small, controlled or as if you’re unable to talk about what’s wrong, it’s abusive.
2. You feel guilty
This can range from emotional blackmail, to sulking or giving you the silent treatment, according to the charity. This is a method of manipulation.
3. You’re undermined
If your partner constantly dismisses your opinion, or makes you doubt your own opinion about the relationship by acting as if you’re being oversensitive towards something they’ve done. They can also dispute your version of an event, Relate says,
4. You’re criticised
Seems like everyone is complimenting your new wardrobe, recent weight loss, or latest blogpost. Everyone, that is, except the one person who should be leading the cheering section. Your emotionally abusive partner is far more invested in tearing you down and keeping you down. He really doesn’t want you feeling good about yourself. If you do, you might realize you could do better elsewhere. So, instead of loving praise, you’ll get reactions that take you down a notch or two. Or ten.
5. Your partner is indifferent
You could be really sad about something, and your partner isn’t upset or supportive. That, according to Rodman, is because, “In order to stay in control, emotional abusers need your focus to be on them. Their tolerance for your woes is limited because they need to quickly get back to their fix: abusing you”.