London, Europe Brief News – Grandparenting can be a major source of fulfillment for you and your grandchildren.
But as with parenting, a grandparent’s role doesn’t come with a job description. Like many grandparents, you may find yourself uncertain of your role within the family.
Just as every family is different, so is the role of every grandparent. Yours will depend on your personal style and your family’s unique dynamics and circumstances as well as the needs of the present moment.
You might live nearby, allowing you to be be physically active in your grandchild’s life and help with childcare. Or you might be physically apart but still provide unconditional love and support, lending an empathetic ear in times of need.
No matter the circumstances, you can find ways to be a positive force in your grandchild’s life and a helpful resource for their parents. These tips and guidelines can help you find your place and adapt to the inevitable challenges that will arise.
Becoming a grandparent can be life changing—an adrenaline shot that restores your energy, optimism, youthfulness and sense of purpose. Recent studies also show that emotional closeness between grandparents and grandchildren can protect against depression, boost brain function and lead to a longer life.