London, Europe Brief News – Finding a reliable and capable babysitter may be the hardest thing parents face. Where do you even begin, right?
Here are four tips that may help you to choose a good babysitter:
1. Ask the family
When you contact the families the babysitter has worked for, ask them how many children they have. Ask if the family ever had any concerns with how she behaved with the children, and also how the sitter interacted with adults.
2. Observe your children with the babysitter
Invite the babysitter to your home to see how she behaves with your children. This will allow you to see how comfortable she is with your children and observe if her “parenting” technique is the same as yours. You need to be on the same page. Find out what she’d do in case of an emergency; make sure it’s the same thing you’d do.
3. Qualifications
Be sure to ask her if your babysitter has had first-aid and CPR training. Is your sitter mature enough to use common sense and good judgment when it comes to taking care of your little ones? Is she kind, friendly, patient, and compassionate? Or is she responsible and attentive? And is she constantly on her phone and distracted? Does your gut trust her with your child?
4. How much?
It’s good to know right from the start how much your babysitter charges. Don’t guess. Never assume. Ask directly, it’s important to know if you can even afford this gem that you’ve found.