Tokyo, Europe Brief News – An expert committee of the Japanese Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry has confirmed the first death believed to have been caused by Covid-19 vaccination out of a total of 1,791 post-vaccination deaths studied, a report published today showed.
The report said a 42-year-old woman received a vaccine dose on November 5, 2022, and died 1 hour and 40 minutes after the vaccination.
The woman suffered from obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure, but the tests did not detect any deviations in the indicators that could have possibly caused her death.
The experts concluded that “a causal relationship between vaccination and death cannot be ruled out”, the report added, according to Sputnik.
At the same time, the experts said the medical staff at the vaccination centre made mistakes during resuscitation, as the deceased was not injected with adrenaline, despite the signs of an acute allergic reaction.
Japan has recorded over 33.2 million Covid-19 cases, 21.7 million recoveries and 72,989 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The Asian nation has administered a total of 289.7 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. – Bernama, March 10, 2023
Last August, Professor Hannely Meyer, working in collaboration with the South African Medical Devices Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA), in South Africa said: still First confirmed death from the effects of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine against coronavirus.