EBN- After nearly fifteen years have passed since the death of the world-famous singer and King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and on the anniversary of his birth, his last bodyguard, who worked for him during the last period of his life, spoke about many details, and how he sees the real reason for his death.
During an interview with the Sun newspaper, Michael Jackson ‘s bodyguard Bill Whitfield talked about Michael Jackson ‘s psychological state during the last weeks before his death, confirming that he was deeply affected by the accusations of child molestation, which haunted him for many years, even after his departure from life.
Michael Jackson’s bodyguard, Bill Whitfield, added that he believes in Michael’s innocence of these accusations, especially since he saw how he dealt with those around him in his life, whether they were children or others, adding that his death was suspicious, as it happened only a few months after he announced his musical tour, which everyone was waiting for, explaining that Michael Jackson was weak before his death, and was very tense, stressing that tension kills.
It is noteworthy that last February, through an interview with “The Steven Sulley Study podcast”, Matt Fiddes, the late star’s former bodyguard, revealed the mysterious secret behind Jackson’s series of nose plastic surgeries , which have raised questions for many years, explaining that Jackson underwent his first nose plastic surgery in 1979, as he suffered from ridicule because of the size of his nose, which greatly affected his determination and self-confidence in general, especially since he was subjected to this bullying since childhood, from his family, and from his father in particular, who always told him that he inherited his nose from his mother and her family.