EBN- Monkeypox virus is generally transmitted to humans through infected wild animals such as rodents and primates, found in the forests of central and western Africa, and not just monkeys.
It can also be transmitted from person to person, but only through direct contact with blisters, body fluids, respiratory droplets released during coughing or sneezing, or contaminated materials such as bedding or clothing.
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Monkeypox prevention tips
With monkeypox spreading to more than one country outside the African continent, it may be necessary for a person to protect himself and others from contracting the infection, by doing the following:
If the virus is spreading in your area or the country you live in, you may need to have open conversations with people you come into close contact with about any symptoms you or they may have.
It is necessary to avoid close contact with anyone infected with smallpox, including sexual contact.
Clean your hands frequently with soap and water or rub them with an effective hand sanitizer from the pharmacy.
If you think you have monkeypox, you should take action to protect others by seeking medical advice and isolating yourself from others until you can be evaluated and tested.
If you have chickenpox, you should isolate yourself from others until all the blisters have crusted over and the skin has shed. You may need to follow your local health authority’s instructions about isolating yourself at home or in a health facility. If you have sexual intercourse, you should use a condom as a preventive measure for 3 months after you recover.
Avoid unprotected contact with wild animals, especially sick or dead ones. Cook any food containing animal parts or meat thoroughly before eating it if you are in a country where animals carry monkeypox.
Monkeypox treatment
There is currently no specific treatment recommended by the World Health Organization for monkeypox, but antivirals are licensed for the variola viruses, such as tecovirimat. The smallpox vaccine, given to children in particular, was essential in eliminating smallpox decades ago and can be highly effective, up to 85%, in preventing monkeypox, but the original first-generation smallpox vaccines are no longer available to everyone. A new smallpox vaccine was approved in 2019, but is also not yet widely available.