EBN- children enter kindergarten for the first time, they feel as if they are embarking on a new educational adventure that will help them enhance their social and emotional skills and give them more independence and self-confidence.
On the other hand, not only children, but parents also need to prepare themselves to face this important moment, especially if this is their first child. Also, for every mother, according to the website “raisingchildren”, there are a group of ways in which you can prepare for the child to enter nursery for the first time.
Personal hygiene education
Children need to know how to meet their personal hygiene needs when they enter kindergarten, which includes expressing the need to go to the bathroom, getting dressed, and washing hands. The best way to learn is to practice regularly, so parents should make sure their child can wash their hands well and follow proper hygiene practices. For example, teach your child to sneeze or cough into a tissue and then throw it away.
On the other hand, parents can also train their child to use the toilet on his own from an early age before entering kindergarten. If your child cannot go to the toilet, it is better to teach your child to tell the teacher when he wants to use it.
Wake up early
Children who go to kindergarten for the first time, it is preferable to get them used to waking up early, as once school starts, your little one will not find it difficult to wake up early.
You can also check your child’s daily schedule at school, and let him know so he knows what to expect and reduces his fears.
Preparing school supplies
Have your child try on his school uniform and shoes before the first day of school to make sure they fit him. You can also have your child wear his new school shoes for a few days before school starts and practice tying them.
Choose a school bag that is comfortable for your child to carry. Backpacks with adjustable straps are best. Also, encourage your child to practice opening and closing the lunch box. In addition to eating on their own, choose a lunch box and a drinking bottle that are easy for your child to open the lid. Make sure your child knows how to unzip a coat, open and close a backpack, and take out school supplies if necessary.
Communicate and interact with others
To help your child prepare for preschool, it is best to train him to have the courage to communicate and interact with others. This can be done by letting your child play in parks or playgrounds with his peers and giving him the opportunity to make new friends and learn how to interact with his peers.
There are several other ways that parents can use; such as showing various pictures of the school or inviting them to watch videos about school activities, you can also teach them to sing some songs about school, make up bedtime stories, etc.
First day of school with your child
You should also take your child with you on the first day of school, so that he does not feel that his parents have abandoned him. If your child is upset and insists that you continue to accompany him, do not obey his wishes because it will become a habit later on, and explain to him that at school, he has to interact with others.
Praise your child
If your child has a good first day, give him appreciation so he is excited. You can use verbal praise or reward him with a gift. This method will likely make him excited to go to school again.
Communicate with teachers
It should be noted that for children who suffer from some diseases, there should be constant contact with the teacher; so that your little one receives special attention. For example, if your child suffers from asthma, inform the teachers so that the child can stay away from exposure to dust or air conditioners.