EBN- A new study has revealed that metabolism may cause people to suffer from a type of depression called bipolar depression, and that there is a diet that may combat this mental disorder.
Although the reasons why people suffer from this type of depression are still unknown, a new study confirms that instead of viewing bipolar depression as a mood disorder, it should be viewed as a metabolic disorder that can be treated through diet and other similar interventions.
The British newspaper, The Guardian, published a study that included 27 people with bipolar depression, who were asked to follow the “Keto” diet for eight weeks, where the person does not eat carbohydrates and relies on a lot of fat. This diet is used to lose weight and to treat epilepsy in some cases. The study proved that this diet can also help alleviate bipolar depression.
“A third of the participants did very well,” says Professor Danny Smith, head of the new Centre for Metabolic Psychiatry, who was involved in the study. “Their mood was more stable, they were less impulsive, and their depression improved.” Finding out why some participants responded to the regimen and others did not will be a key task for the coming period.
“We should think of bipolar depression not as a fundamental emotional problem, but as a dysfunction in the body’s energy regulation,” says Ian Campbell, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh. “It’s a completely different way of thinking about this mental illness.”
Millions of people around the world suffer from bipolar. The word bipolar means that the disease has varying symptoms, as the patient moves from one extreme stage to the exact opposite, with extreme severity, in a short period of time, and sometimes in the same period of time.