EBN– A Brazilian court issued a decision to remove one of her songs from streaming services. So what is the story? And does it end here? Or is there more to the story?
It’s possible that one of Adele’s songs will stop being played in the world and across the world’s media. We’re talking here about the British singer who won a Grammy Award in 2015.
A judge named Victor Torres has ordered the Brazilian subsidiaries of Sony and Universal to “immediately and worldwide stop using the song ‘Million Years Ago’ and prohibit its reproduction, modification, distribution or commercialization, in any manner, medium, material or digital support, streaming platform or sharing,” according to Agence France-Presse.
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On an album called “25”, the song is linked to an ongoing music theft case brought by Brazilian composer Toninho Gerais.
The composer claims that Million Years Ago plagiarizes the music of his 1995 samba song Mulheres, which means “women” in Arabic.
It is said that the Brazilian singer Martinho da Vila recorded it on his album “Tá Delícia, Tá Gostoso”. The album’s name translates to “It’s good, it’s delicious”..
Composer Gerais is suing for lost royalties, $160,000 in moral damages, and wants to be credited with writing Adele’s song.
The ruling also directly affects companies. The judge’s order threatens Sony and Universal with a fine of $8,000 “for each act of non-compliance.” However, the two major companies can appeal the judge’s ruling.
Judge Torres’ ruling is a “historic” one for Brazilian music, the composer’s lawyer, Fredimio Trotta, told AFP.