A Spanish TikToker sparks controversy on social media after he claimed he is “the only survivor” in the world.
Javier, known as @unicosobreviviente on TikTok, said he woke up from a coma in the year 2027 to find the world around him completely empty from humans and animals.
The TikTok user’s account has attracted millions of views and followers as he filmed through Spain’s most iconic spaces while they are completely empty.
Javier says he can’t find any human beings for months and that everything around him says that it’s the year 2027.
He filmed Zoos, airports, shopping malls, sports clubs completly empty, raising questions over the seriousness of his allegations.
Javier wrote: ‘I just woke up in a hospital and I don’t know what could have happened. Today is February 13, 2027 and I am alone in the city.’
Doubling down on his claims, Javier added: ‘I am reading you all now, it is very cold in the street. I have tried to where I lived and I did not have keys to enter, what would you do in my situation?’
He added: ‘I want to clarify that I am in 2027 but everything I see and where it is stayed in 2021. I think I woke up in 2027 as a parallel reality. And I just remembered my name.’
His videos of the empty spaces in Valencia, Spain went viral on social media, with many saying the clips have been filmed during lockdown.
However, his video showing a hospital with no doctors or nurses raised concerns among social media users especially that such places have never been empty, even during COVID-19 full lockdowns.