A manslaughter investigation has opened into Belgium’s recent floods that claimed 38 lives.
The prosecutors’ office in the city of Liege said the investigating magistrate has the task of identifying who might be responsible for “involuntary homicide by lack of foresight or precaution.”
Groups of Belgian citizens earlier declared intention to take legal action against the state for its alleged failure to protect them.
“The urgency remains to help the victims, and all the efforts must be directed currently on the management of the crisis,” the CDH party said.
A political party also requested the appointment of a parliamentary commission to investigate the deadly floods.
The Humanist Democratic Centre (CDH) said it does not want to launch a “witch hunt” but hoped to shed light on the disaster.
Last week, more than 180 people died in Western Europe due to the floods.
While about 157 German people died aftermath the flood, only 31 from Belgium died. And about 163 people are still missing.
In the French-speaking region of Wallonia in the south of the country, Liege was the worst hit by the disaster.
Questions are already being asked in the aftermath of the flooding over 14 and 15 July, specifically over possible failings in the flood alert system.
Other countries like France, Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland have also been affected by the worst flood Europe has been in living memory.