Pope Francis denied media reports about his alleged resignation for health problems.
Speaking to Spanish radio network COPE, Francis affirmed he is not thinking of resigning.
He said he is living “a totally normal life” following intestinal surgery in July.
“I don’t know where they got it from last week that I was going to resign … it didn’t even cross my mind.”
An Italian newspaper has earlier reported that Pope Francis, 84, might step down.
On the other hand, he affirmed his participation at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November.
Francis Comments on Afghanistan Events
During the 90-minute interview, Pope Francis said the chaotic withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan was due in part to a lack of foreseeing all possible eventualities.
“The way to negotiate a withdrawal, it seems that not all the eventualities were taken into account.”
When asked if the Vatican’s diplomatic power, the pope said, “Yes, in fact, the secretary of state is doing that.”
Pope Francis appealed to all Christians to fast and intensify their prayers for Afghanistan in the wake of increased violence in the country.
“I ask everyone to continue to help the needy and to pray that dialogue and solidarity may lead to the establishment of a peaceful and fraternal coexistence. I also call for offering hope for the country’s future,” he said, after praying the Angelus with visitors in St. Peter’s Square Aug. 29.
He said he had been following the news out of Afghanistan “with great concern.”