UK researchers revealed that Vitamin A might be able to treat the loss of smell in some Covid people.
The University of East Anglia is conducting a 12-week trial on some of the volunteer patients.
During that period, the volunteer patients should sniff powerful odours such as rotten eggs and roses.
And brain scans will check if the vitamin has repaired injured olfactory pathways or “smell nerves”.
Lead researcher Prof Carl Philpott, from UEA’s Norwich Medical School and James Paget University Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “We want to find out whether there is an increase in the size and activity of damaged smell pathways in patients’ brains when they receive vitamin-A nasal drops.
“We will look for changes in the size of the olfactory bulb – an area above the nose where the smell nerves join together and connect to the brain.
“We will also look at activity in areas of the brain linked to recognising smells.”
But people taking vitamin-A supplements should be aware too much can be harmful.
Thousands of Covid Deaths For Years
Britain faces the prospect of thousands of annual Covid deaths for years to come, scientists have warned.
Scientists said that the UK might learn to live with thousands of Covid-related deaths for years to come.
The Covid-19 vaccines don’t seem to be a long term solution for the health crisis as new variants emerge. People will have to live with it.
Seasonal waves of the virus are expected to sweep the country every winter. It will join other seasonal viruses, including influenza. However, it is believed that it is likely to kill those with underlying conditions with the provided vaccines.
The numbers of Covid cases seem to establish through this summer, but it is expected to rise again, causing a fourth wave this autumn. This is expected to occur yearly for a while.