EBN- Artificial intelligence is the talk of the town in newspapers and magazines, and it has become a major presence on various social media sites.
It has the potential to help solve complex problems, but we have also learned about serious concerns about it, especially the ways in which it might change the lives of children and adolescents.
Although artificial intelligence is advancing faster than anyone expected, we have not yet thought about its impact on the social and emotional well-being of children, who have a great tendency to be attached to games – even before the Internet and mobile devices!
From here, one question comes to mind: How does artificial intelligence affect the lives of our children, both positively and negatively?
Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Children
Children around the world are using artificial intelligence (AI ) almost daily, and AI and good parental control can improve children’s lives in positive and modern ways, including:
Improving educational experiences
As AI advances, education companies have raced to create AI models that cater to children aged 7 to 12 and generate age-appropriate responses. AI’s power and exciting potential have created an educational and fun way for children to access information online, but with age-appropriate protection and security.
It can also help children improve their language skills and even learn new languages. As AI advances, education companies have raced to create AI models that cater to children’s needs.
AI enhances creativity:
We live in a visual world, so children need ways to express their ideas through images, photography, graphs, and more.
This is why AI is valuable for budding artists, as well as for children who want to create graphs, charts, and animations.
AI may be able to motivate and engage children in new ways; It provides new ways to enjoy and discover their world.
AI helps solve problems:
By interacting with social robots, AI can improve the way children express their thoughts and analyze situations, and can also improve their critical thinking skills.
Studies have shown that children who interact with these social robots are more likely to treat them as human partners, and critical thinking helps children collaborate and communicate with robots productively.
AI prepares children for future job opportunities :
AI can prepare children at an early age for future opportunities in the rapidly evolving job market, and can provide children with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the world of technology, such as computer programming and data analysis. By understanding the capabilities of AI and its applications, children can have a good start in exploring and preparing for a career in technology and innovation.
The dangers of artificial intelligence on children
Parents should realize that AI is a double-edged sword for children, and the decisive factor is the parents who must guide and monitor their children so that they can enjoy the greatest benefit and the least harm from AI; AI can harm children and families, especially since the world of the Internet is large and open, and it is the nature of the child to be curious and love to explore, and this opens the doors to dangers.