Berlin, Europe Brief News – Berlin Brandenburg Airport said flights had resumed early Thursday evening with some delays.
The airport was forced to close its runways as climate protesters broke into the site, with some of them gluing themselves to the tarmac.
Airport spokesman Jan-Peter Haack said air traffic stopped for around 90 minutes to make sure that “absolutely nobody would be hurt on airport terrain”, with arriving flights diverted to other nearby airports. He added the incident affected about 3,000 to 4,000 passengers.
The activists from the Letzte Generation, meaning Last Generation, environmental group, which posted a video of their protest, had entered a taxiing area of the airport by cutting through fencing.
They demanded the government to stop subsidising air travel and expand cheap train travel offers instead, while slamming the COP27 global climate summit for making empty promises.
Police later detained them, according to the airport.
The gesture proved divisive, with many in the art world—and beyond—decrying the protest for a spread of reasons.
Similar gestures were also seen in the UK over the past few weeks, where climate activists have repeatedly sought to push the government to respond more quickly to the destruction of the natural environment.
Their tactics have often involved gluing themselves to artworks, usually without any damage to the pieces themselves. Their protests have inspired similar ones in Italy and Australia.