Brussels, Europe Brief News – One of the intriguing questions in medical sciences is that can Endometriosis cause weight gain? This article will help shed light on facts to reveal the true answer. Let’s dive in.
Endometriosis causes endometrial tissue to grow outside the uterus. There is a risk of infertility or persistent discomfort. Some notice bloating and weight gain.
Endometriosis-induced weight gain has been studied little. Endometriosis patients who feel their illness is causing weight gain or difficulty losing weight should see their doctor.
Other disorders, including PCOS, may resemble endometrial symptoms. Our goal is to help you attain and maintain a healthy weight.
Can Endometriosis Cause Weight Gain?
Endometriosis and weight increase have been connected anecdotally but not scientifically. According to a 2014 Trusted Source article, endometriosis may cause weight gain and low body image. Endometriosis may induce weight gain in four ways.
Endometriosis causes bloating and fluid retention. Even while bloating doesn’t make you gain weight, it might make you feel it. Bloating may also affect clothes fit. Bloating is often severe before or during menstruation.
Symptoms of endometriosis worsen with increased estrogen levels. Some say estrogen dominance leads to weight gain. This occurs when the body generates more estrogen than progesterone.
Endometriosis drugs
Endometriosis treatments have been linked to weight gain. Synthetic progesterone is one of the most successful therapies for endometriosis. Progesterone decreases endometrial development. But progesterone causes weight gain in many people. A 2010 study trusted Source found that 40–50% of women gain weight or water while using progesterone.
Endometriosis is a severe condition. For others, the discomfort is so intense that they cannot exercise. This may lead to weight gain.
How to lose weight with endometriosis?
Many natural and alternative health websites claim to help people with endometriosis lose weight. Neither a weight gain diet nor a diet tailored to endometriosis symptoms has been shown clinically effective.
Endometrial tissue developing outside the uterus may cause discomfort and bloat. This may help someone lose weight or appear slimmer.
To lose weight, one must burn more calories than one ingests. Some techniques to achieve this aim are:
- Encouraging more exercise. Walk as much as you can and avoid long periods of sitting. The American Physical Activity Guidelines suggest getting 150–300 minutes of moderate or 75–150 minutes of high-intensity exercise each week. They also recommend strength training twice a week.
- Eating a wide selection of low-calorie meals. Avoiding sugary snacks and sweetened beverages may also help.
- Increasing protein intake. Protein may boost metabolism and keep you satiated longer. Less urge for high-calorie foods.
- Endometriosis patients should discuss weight reduction options with their doctors, particularly if they have PCOS.
Final Words
Can endometriosis cause weight gain? Endometriosis is a long-term disease. Despite this, various therapy options may alleviate symptoms. Many endometriosis patients are upset by the lack of research on endometriosis-related weight gain. Women feel that finding a therapy that works requires a doctor who listens and takes symptoms seriously is essential. Talking to their physicians about weight gain will help them obtain specific weight reduction techniques and assistance for endometriosis difficulties.