EBN- The behaviors that a child performs during his day naturally and without any interference can largely express his personality or its characteristics in general.
A talkative child who talks a lot is often a curious person who loves learning, and a child who makes plans and issues orders to others to implement them can have a leadership personality.
To get to know the child’s personality, talk to him and get to know his thoughts that revolve in his little head, which can be known through questions that reveal his personality, in terms of the talent he loves, or the extent of his creative imagination, or what he hopes for in the future, or what he loves and hates. We can even get to know hidden aspects of the child’s personality through questions, and the extent of his love for humor, all through open conversation that begins with questions from you that carry the meaning you want to know about your child. “Sayidaty and Your Child” has collected these questions for you, and has classified them in the category that suits the child’s thoughts and dimensions of his personality.
Questions that reveal details about the child’s life and personality.
Tell me about the best and worst parts of your day.
When was the last time you said “I agree”?
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever built?
What is the best vacation you have ever had?
Tell me about your favorite movie or TV show.
How many hugs do you need every day?
What’s the best party you’ve ever been to? What made it fun?
What is the first thing you remember about your mother or father (or sibling)?
What is something you forget to do regularly?
How can we tell you are happy? What do you do?
Name someone you trust, why?
What makes you smile?
Have you lost something you really loved? What did you do?
Questions that reveal the child’s talents
What’s your favorite thing to do in the car?
What is your favorite game?
How many animal sounds can you make?
If you could only keep one book, which one would you keep? And why?
If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be and why?
What do you do when people look at you?
How would you describe yourself to someone who has never met you?
If you were in the show, who would you like to be?
Who are the popular kids in your class? What do you think makes someone popular?
Questions that reveal the extent of a child’s imagination
Have you ever had an imaginary friend ? Tell me about one.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? What would you be doing?
What is the coolest thing you have ever seen?
What would you do if you didn’t have a TV?
What do you do when you feel scared?
Are you pretending to be someone? Who? Why?
What do you want me to play with you?
What superhero do you want to be and why?
What do you think is behind the stars?
What is your favorite place in the house?
If you could trade lives for one day with someone you know, who would it be?
What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?
What are you thinking about now?
Why are children often more creative than adults?
Questions that reveal a child’s love of humor
What’s the silliest face you can make?
What is your favorite smell? What is the most disgusting thing you have ever smelled?
If you could make any pizza, which one would it be?
When was the last time you were an idiot? What did you do?
If you could change your name, what would you call yourself? And why?
If you could have a pet , what animal would you choose?
If you could be any plant, what would it be?
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?