EBN-Do you find it difficult to raise your child, despite your desire, as a mother, to provide the best possible for child?
However, you may not be aware that there are many actions that we as parents take that shake the child’s confidence, and while they may appear insignificant, they are mistakes that can have a long-term impact on the child’s psychological development; because they may cause them to feel a constant lack of self-confidence, and they will always feel inadequate and afraid of making mistakes, making them hesitate to try new things.
□evasion of responsibility
It is often thought that household chores are a burden on your little one, and increase their stress levels, although by doing so, mothers can teach their little ones responsibility and they can also feel a sense of mastery and accomplishment after doing household chores which helps the child to build self-confidence .
On the other hand, when children are given tasks that fit their abilities, such as helping with washing dishes or taking out the trash, they learn to contribute to family affairs and understand the importance of cooperation. This responsibility may give children the opportunity to see themselves as individuals who are able to accomplish tasks well and take pride in their contributions.
□Making mistakes
Mistakes teach children that failure is not permanent, and with the right support they can understand that every failure is a step towards success , and that failure is part of the learning process, not the end of everything. This will develop a growth mindset, where they believe that abilities and intelligence can be improved through hard work and dedication.
In addition, overcoming failure can boost children’s self-confidence because when children succeed in getting back up after failure, they feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their abilities. This may give them more confidence in their ability to overcome challenges and solve problems .
On the other hand, if the mother and father reject their young child’s failure, the child will feel unappreciated and will begin to lose self-confidence.
□Understand your child’s feelings
The way mothers react to their children’s feelings has a great impact on the development of their emotional intelligence and self-esteem. As a mother, you should not only respond to children’s feelings , but also help them understand and manage their feelings well. For example, if your child is angry because his toy was taken, help him acknowledge these feelings by saying, “You are angry because your toy was taken, aren’t you?”
By doing this, children learn to recognize and name their feelings, which is an important step in developing emotional intelligence . Teaching children to recognize emotions is the first step in helping them manage those emotions.
□ Neglecting critical thinking
As a mother, you should be careful not to overprotect your child. Children may need to face different situations and challenges to grow into independent and confident individuals. As a mother, you should play the role of a guide, not a protector, and let children experience life. This includes allowing them to try new things, face failure, and find solutions to their own problems. When they face challenges, they learn to find solutions and develop critical thinking skills , in addition to the ability to overcome obstacles they will face in the future.
□Permanent punishment instead of discipline.
The approach you choose to take in educating your children greatly affects how they see themselves and their actions. Discipline can teach them responsibility and how to make better choices in the future. On the other hand, you should stop punishing a child without giving him a chance to express why he committed the act. Punishment often focuses and can make children feel guilty or ashamed without a clear understanding of how to change and become able to make better choices.
□Unrealistic demands
It’s natural to have expectations of your children, but if you make unrealistic demands, they will struggle, which can lower their self-esteem. Realistic, flexible expectations can help children feel supported, valued, and confident in their ability to meet those expectations. On the other hand, exaggerated expectations can make children feel stressed and overwhelmed, which can ultimately damage their self-esteem.
□Canstant child criticism
As your child grows, they may make mistakes because they are a natural and important part of the learning process. Your role as a parent is to provide guidance and support, not criticism. When children feel safe to make mistakes without fear of excessive punishment, they may learn from their experiences and this may help them develop self-confidence and courage.
On the other hand, if the mother is harsh or overly critical, the child will be afraid to try something new for fear of punishment or criticism, because children who grow up in an environment full of harsh criticism develop a sense of insecurity and have low self-esteem, which affects their relationships with others and their ability to achieve goals in the future.