New York, Europe Brief News – Chris Rock was hailed for his astonished professionalism after being assaulted by Will Smith on live television.
The show’s producer Will Packer affirmed that Rock’s professional reaction has allowed the Oscars show to go on.
Rock was able to continue to present an award, just moments after Smith rushed on stage and slapped him across the face over a joke about the actor’s wife.
“Because Chris handled the moment with such grace and aplomb — it allowed the show to continue,” Packer also said.
“Because Chris continued the way that he did, he completed the category. He handed the trophy to [best documentary winner] Questlove… it gave us license in a way to continue the show, which is what we were trying to do.”
Hollywood’s glitziest night turned sour when Smith took offense at a joke Rock had cracked over wife Jada Pinkett Smith’s closely cropped head.
Hollywood’s Glitziest Night
Pinkett Smith suffers from alopecia, a condition that causes hair to fall out.
After hitting Rock, Smith returned to his seat and shouted obscenities.
There have been conflicting reports in recent days over whether Smith was asked to leave the ceremony, with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences — the body that awards Oscars — saying he refused to go.
But Packer said he had counselled against ejecting the actor after speaking to Rock as he walked off-stage.
“I said: ‘Did he really hit you?’ And he looked at me and he goes: ‘Yes. I just took a punch from Muhammad Ali,'” Packer said.
Smith played the legendary boxer in the 2001 film “Ali.”
Packer said he had not been part of the conversation about removing Smith, but he had spoken against it.
“I immediately went to the Academy leadership that was on site. I further said: “Chris Rock doesn’t want that.”
“Rock has made it clear that he does not want to make a bad situation worse.”
Half an hour after the astonishing attack, Smith received the best actor Oscar award for his role in sports biopic “King Richard.”