Brussels, Europe Brief News – The shelling of Ukraine continues as the invasion from Russians intensifies every day. This conflict that began over a month ago, seems to become never-ending for now. Tragically there are no signs of an end, no matter how hard others try. As this situation becomes grave each day, another problem cropped up recently.
Cybercrimes in Russia are reaching their peak as criminals are taking advantage of this war. They are instigating various crimes that involve fraud regarding crypto schemes. According to the latest reports, there is a high number of cryptocurrency crimes happening in Russia. Russia-Ukraine war is making everyone concerned and these scams will make the situation even worse.
Cybercrimes Intensify The Situation In Russia
Many people are already aware of how cybercrime works. We need to come forward and help fight these scams. Cybercriminals are taking advantage to defraud innocent people. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is making it all look ‘vulnerable’. Over 3 million Ukrainians are fleeing to their neighboring countries, hoping to find some peace.
Whoever is left in vulnerable cities like Kyiv, Sumy, and Mariupol needs some great help. They expect Samaritans from various countries to help them efficiently. If countries can assist Ukrainians that are stuck in war-torn cities, they will be more than happy. Unfortunately, a lot of communication takes place through online means. It is very difficult to judge whether the person on the other side will offer help or is genuine.
Cybercriminals are working in full swing and want to scam as many innocents as they can. They are sending a large variety of decoy emails and exploiting the situation. These emails are crafted in such a way that the recipient will feel persuaded. It may turn out in this way that the innocent one will benefit the criminal.
Since the time war has broken out, there is a gradual increase in these crimes. However, the news that is repo only indicates a fraction of overall crimes. A lot is happening that is not coming out in the reports either.
Cisco Talos warns that as the war intensifies cybercrimes activities will become even more prevalent. The spam messages and crypto crimes will not take a back seat. In this war, Russia continues to hold the title of a villain. They even continue to leverage cryptocurrency as an evasive tool.