EBN-You know your child best, so trust your instincts if your child is not feeling well, but doctors and specialists guide you to the most important symptoms of these serious diseases that affect children.
If you notice any of the following signs and symptoms, call an ambulance:
If the child is very sleepy or unresponsive
having difficulty breathing or unusual breathing
He has cold hands or feet, or pale or blue-spotted skin.
He suffers from successive seizures.
A rash that does not go away when you press on your child’s skin.
Signs of drowsiness and unresponsiveness.
It’s normal for your baby to feel sleepy from time to time — for example, after a feed. But if your baby seems sleepier than usual, it could be a sign of a serious childhood illness. If you can’t wake your baby up even after trying hard several times, get help right away.
Unresponsiveness can be a sign of several serious childhood illnesses and conditions, including low blood sugar in babies (hypoglycemia) or a life-threatening brain infection (meningitis)
Difficulty breathing or abnormal breathing
If your baby is having trouble breathing, you may notice that he or she:
The child has a persistent cough or wheezing.
As he breathes you notice the muscles between his ribs pulling inward.
He can’t hold any conversation or make any sounds.
In severe cases, your baby may appear very tired and blue. He or she may be quiet or make a grunting sound with each breath.
These breathing symptoms may be caused by conditions such as a chest infection (pneumonia) or severe asthma.
Diseases with cold hands or feet, pale skin, or red or blue spots
Cold hands or feet, pale skin, or red or blue spots may be caused by poor circulation or low oxygen levels in the body, both of which can occur in serious childhood illnesses such as bacterial infections or childhood pneumonia .
Skin spots or patches that do not fade when you press hard on your baby’s skin can be an early sign of a life-threatening meningococcal infection.
If your child is having a seizure, his eyes may roll back. He may be unresponsive, shake violently in all directions for a short time, and have shallow or unusual breathing.
At this age, the seizure is most likely to be a febrile seizure. Febrile seizures are not serious and sometimes occur when children have a fever . But sometimes seizures can be a sign of a serious brain infection.
When should you go to the hospital emergency department for childhood illnesses.
If you notice any of the following signs and symptoms, take your child immediately to the nearest emergency department:
Suffering from constant agitation or unusual or persistent crying
Wetting less than usual An early sign of many serious illnesses is having fewer wet diapers than usual — less than half the number of wet diapers your baby normally uses each day. This could mean your baby is dehydrated.
Malnutrition If your child is not eating well or is not interested in feeding, this may be an early sign of childhood illness.
Frequent, bloody, or green vomiting Vomiting is the body’s natural way to get rid of something it doesn’t want. It can also be a sign of illness, infection, or blockage. But persistent vomiting can lead to dehydration and serious imbalances in the body’s chemical system, especially if the vomiting is accompanied by persistent or severe pain.
He suffers from unusual or persistent irritability or crying in a loud or weak voice or in an unusual manner, and he is constantly nervous and it is difficult to get along with him.
Has a fever, which is a temperature higher than 38°C. Although most babies with a fever are not seriously ill, in some cases, a fever in babies can be a sign of a more serious illness. If your baby between 0 and 3 months has a fever, seek medical attention immediately. For example, take your baby to your GP or a hospital emergency department.
He looks paler, sluggish, or weaker, and is always sleepy. Has trouble breathing – and has mild pain or discomfort that does not improve with pain medication. Has a stiff neck, mild headache, or light hurts their eyes.
If your child at any age has a weakened immune system and a high temperature, seek medical attention immediately. For example, take your child to your GP or the emergency department at the hospital.