Geneva, Europe Brief News – Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor underscore that Denmark is on agenda of promulgating racial policy against the residents of Ghettos. The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor and the Youth Parliament gathered at the 49th session of the Human right council.
They both said in a joint statement, “Denmark’s discriminatory measure against minorities in ghettos fuel xenophobia, racial prejudice and intolerance against vulnerable groups.”
The joint statement also pointed at the Danish government’s racial policy measures which were introduced back in 2018 have extremely dreadful effects on the population known as “Ghetto”. The people in the Ghetto areas are already suffering from various social problems.
The joint statement also mentioned that the Danish Officials selected the discriminatory criteria to classify a region as a ghetto just because half of its population have a non-western background.
The statement said “The Danish government extorts families in those areas by threatening to cut their social welfare allocations which these families depend on to survive. The Danish authorities also force them to send their children as young as one-year-olds to kindergarten”.
Forcibly assimilating children
The statement added that the main aim of this policy is to forcefully assimilate the children rather than using the right approach to plug them into the society by giving them mandatory instruction on Danish values and the Danish language as their mother tongue.
On the contrary, the citizens who are not residing in the ghetto areas have the freedom to send their children to daycare or preschool when they get to the minimum age of six.
The statement said, “While these policies violate the European Convention on Human rights and European Union law about non-discrimination and equality rights, they also sow fear, insecurity and lack of trust among the groups they target”.
In February 2022, Euro-Med Monitor released a policy brief addressing “ghetto” laws’ contribution to fueling xenophobia, racial prejudice and intolerance against already vulnerable minorities through their punitive and discriminatory standards targeting individuals of non-European races.
It added we have called on the Danish government to stop all disproportionate, discriminatory and punitive measures against ghetto residents and encourage integrating rather than forcibly assimilating them.
Euro-Med Human rights monitor is putting all the efforts to rescue the people living in the ghetto areas and to earn them their legal rights as the Danish government has been pounding on with their discriminatory measure to hurt people who are already in pretty bad shape.