Brussels, Europe Brief News – Studies show that fighting with loved one is actually healthy but that is only if you do it correctly. It is no hidden fact that fighting with your loved one is inevitable. And because it is inevitable, we often make mistakes regarding this concept.
From the same study, it has been suggested that being direct is the most beneficial way of fighting with your loved ones and leaves minimum damage to both parties. It is also suggested that beating around the bush, insulting the other party, being sarcastic, etc. all insinuate negative energy which makes matters worse.
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Why is fighting inevitable?
We are all individuals with different perceptions of life and almost every other thing we come across. It is only human to differentiate from one another. And because we have different perceptions, it is best to voice them so other people would know where you’re coming from.
It also helps in being more direct with the other party and resolving things sooner. But one thing to be noted should be that you have to do this most positively and constructively as possible to not come off as arrogant or possibly trigger the other person to perceive your attitude differently.
Another study claims that not fighting with your loved ones is actually a mistake and should be seriously looked upon to maintain a healthy relationship. Avoiding conflicts benefits no one and rather, people should just talk about what’s bothering them instead of bottling it all up inside.
It is said that people who don’t express their negative feelings die earlier. Fighting helps people grow and interconnect on a deeper level of understanding which makes them stronger in tackling any problem they face.
Fighting with loved one: ways to handle
Figure out what you’re feeling and schedule a time to talk about it. This helps in not saying hurtful things and lets you calm yourself down. Sometimes people even realize that it is not the fight that is making them feel a certain way, but it could be external factors as well.
Lastly, be a good listener and be mindful of the non-verbal language you display. This greatly affects how the other person is perceiving your emotions and attitude.
It is also suggested to not use the words ‘never’ ‘always’ or ‘you’ as it intrigues a defensive attitude of your partner and that is something that you should avoid. These guidelines help in fighting with loved one healthily.