EBN- Every mother seeks to be her daughter’s first and closest friend, starting from childhood, especially when the girl begins the late childhood stage and becomes on the threshold of adolescence.
This period is a sensitive stage for the girl’s emotional fluctuations, as she is characterized by extreme sensitivity to situations, and because of the hormonal changes in her body; She seeks to search for love and understanding from others.
The task of getting close to the daughter in her early adolescence, so that she is her close friend, remains the most important task for the mother.
■Give her special gifts:
Be keen to know the effect of gifts on the child in modifying behavior and enhancing confidence . The effect of gifts is greater on the girl who likes to receive special gifts, as there are small and simple feminine things, but they are beautiful and cheerful, and they bring happiness to your daughter, and enhance her feeling of femininity, as this feeling begins early in her; you find her trying to be an elegant girl, and she has special things since she was young.
Give your daughter gifts that suit her personality and are also appropriate for her appearance without exaggeration. Also, reduce expensive gifts so that your daughter knows that life circumstances change. Do not give her gifts that are larger than her age or gifts that do not suit her body size and stature. At the same time, you can give her gifts related to school, such as distinctive stationery items – which indicate the girl’s personality – in colors that girls like.
■Compliment her beauty:
Alayws repeat to your little girl, who is beginning to step into adolescence and is about to become a special and delicate little lady, words of praise that nourish her emotions and fill her with love and tenderness; because in doing so, you can answer an important question that many mothers have; which is: How do you raise your teenage daughter to be strong and honest with herself? Confidence stems from a girl’s sense of self-esteem.
■Be careful not to belittle your daughter in front of strangers, and not to draw her attention to the flaws in her body and facial features, especially when hormonal changes begin to affect her skin, such as acne. You should also treat any problem in your daughter’s appearance and looks without drawing her attention to it, or being harsh in your dealings with her, so that this does not leave an impact on her psyche, and continue to praise the beautiful aspects of her personality.
■Stop emotionally blackmailing her.
Stop giving conditional love to your daughter, because there are some mothers who use blackmail or bargaining with their children. These methods are considered to be among the most unsuccessful educational methods in dealing with children. For example, do not tell her, “If you do such and such, I will love you or I will double your allowance,” or “If you do such and such, I will not agree to you going on the school trip.” These methods make the girl constantly feel anxious, afraid, and anticipating, and she does not know the best way to please her mother, and turn her into a sad and withdrawn person.
Make sure to be understanding of your daughter and know her needs, and at the same time you should discuss with her everything she likes and dislikes, and do not consider any mistake she makes unintentionally or intentionally as a means for you to start emotionally blackmailing her, as she is like any adult human being, whether male or female, who makes mistakes and gets things right, and therefore you are responsible for any psychological distortions she may be exposed to due to following this abusive behavior with her
■Take care of her talents and encourage her.
Take care of your daughter’s talents and be her first supporter, because girls have intelligence that is much higher than boys’ intelligence, and they can learn, especially since girls spend most of their time at home, so it is easy to invest their time to benefit from it, and girls also have the desire to gain new experiences related to their feminine world, and you must be their first supporter, so that you can be their friend who shares what they love.
Use encouraging phrases for your child that motivate him to succeed and achieve from a young age by raising your daughter’s morale, and you can do this with your son as well; because encouragement is the basis of success, and you should not underestimate or ridicule any direction that may come to the mind of the son or daughter; because in the early childhood stage they have a stage of changing desires, and the son takes a long time with the beginning of adolescence; to determine his goals and hobbies, so the mother must be patient and long-suffering with her daughter in particular; to determine what she wants to succeed and excel in in the future.