EBN-There are various natural strategies you can use to maintain low blood pressure. It is a popular herb in the kitchen that lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure somewhat but noticeably, according to specialists. We discover how it decreases blood pressure in this report.
It lowers the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks and strokes, by 16% to 40%, according to studies. Doctors claim that the primary bioactive ingredient in garlic, allicin, lowers blood pressure.
It interferes with the production of angiotensin-converting enzymes , also known as ACE, which in turn cause high blood pressure by constricting blood vessels. Thus, It promotes freer blood flow, lowering blood pressure. It also has a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, protecting blood vessels from damage. Acetylated allicin also promotes the production of nitric oxide , or NO, which relaxes artery walls, leading to lower blood pressure.
You should heed your physician’s advise and make dietary and lifestyle changes in addition to taking medicine.
How much garlic is heart-healthy?
Numerous studies have shown that a range of it formulations can reduce blood pressure.
For 12 weeks, take 188 mg of garlic powder that contains egg yolks; for 2–23 weeks, take 240–2,400 mg of aged garlic extract; for 6 months, take 400 mg of raw garlic daily; for 8–24 weeks, take 600–2,400 mg of garlic powder daily; and for 16 weeks, take 12.3 mg of garlic oil daily.
According to studies, aged garlic extract has the most advantages, and the best outcomes are typically obtained with greater dosages of 400–2,400 mg per day.
Are garlic supplements safe for your heart?
Doctors say that garlic supplements or tablets are a safe and convenient way to consume garlic for most people.
However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before adding it or any new dietary supplement to your daily routine, as it can cause the following side effects in many people:
- abdominal pain
- body odor
- bad breath
- belching
- constipation
- diarrhea, heartburn, nausea , upset stomach, and vomiting.
Some people also experience allergic reactions to garlic or other foods, which may include: anaphylaxis , swelling of the tongue, lips, or throat , dizziness, low blood pressure, vomiting or diarrhea, severe itching , and shortness of breath.
Other natural ways to lower blood pressure
You may benefit from a combination of medications and natural remedies that include lifestyle changes known to affect blood pressure:
quitting smoking , eating a healthy diet and reducing salt intake,losing weight if you are overweight or obese,
maintaining physical activity and exercising regularly, and managing and reducing stress.